

MPH is posting on the workflow thing, which catches my attention big-time, but the logistics, dang. What to do? How to do it? I’ve been bound in kludges! I’m a slave to the known! Sometimes it works!

Bah. People who know how to do stuff need to take time to show others how to do it. MPH is good at this, he posts in detail about what he knows, but presence would be better. Maybe some of the small community of Mac folks could sit around for an hour or two—at Sven’s?—every so often—seasonally?—and go over tips and shortcuts they’ve picked up. For example, I think MPH is OmniWebbing now, and he could talk about advantages and disadvantages and so forth. Sven’s been doing animation, I’ve seen Gretchin and Leopoldo do nifty tricks like logging on remotely to their systems from mine, and I . . . well, I know what a blind carbon copy is? I must know something, anyhow. Point is, we should designate a time to share what we know. Pronto, since other folks seem to know a whole lot I don’t, as yet.

Give me link to SEO software (promotion, advertisement, etc.). I'm need it to promote my new e-shop.
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